Is An Architectural Engineer The Same As A Structural Engineer?

If you sit down and analyze an architectural engineer and a structural engineer, you’ll find many similarities. You’ll also find a few differences, and that’s what we’ve come here to discuss.

All in all, architectural and structural engineers deal with the design and construction of buildings. Much of their surroundings and work can be hard to distinguish from the other, and that’s why we wanted to give you a better understanding. If you’re looking to further your career in construction, or you’re seeking to hire an engineer and are not sure which one will better assist your project, this is the article for you.

is an architectural engineer the same as a structural engineer

What job duties do architectural and structural engineers have?

Generally speaking, an architectural engineer will be more involved in the overall construction process whereas a structural engineer will be more concerned with how to make the building structurally sound. The list of responsibilities each has to take care of are as follows:


Structural Engineers

is an architectural engineer the same as a structural engineer

What are the qualifications of an architectural and structural engineer?

If you want to go into either field – or you’re looking to hire an architectural/structural engineer – you need to know the baseline qualifications. A bachelor’s degree is required to hold either of these jobs. 

Architects usually go to school to obtain their master’s degree or doctorate, though they must begin by getting their bachelor’s degree in architecture. Going further than a bachelor’s degree allows them to obtain additional certifications down the line. More knowledge will also grant higher ranking and paying jobs.

Structural engineers usually go to school to get their degree in structural or civil engineering. Few will go on to obtain a higher degree, like a master’s. Before practicing, they must get a passing score on their licensing exams to start official practice of the career.

architectural and structural engineer

What is the work environment like for architectural and structural engineers?

More often than not, an architect will secure a job at either a government agency or a construction company. In some cases, they can be self-employed. Most of the time, these individuals will spend part of their time in the office and part of their time on a construction site to make sure the project is going as planned. An architect will typically work a full 40 hour week on regular business days, but will be off on weekends and holidays. The only time they work extra hours is to meet deadlines.

On the other hand, structural engineers will usually work for a government agency or company, or a general construction firm. Like architects, their days are split between office and construction sites so that they can monitor what’s going on. This monitoring may include safety requirements and general guidelines.

If you have any additional questions about architectural or structural engineers, please reach out to us at You can give us a call or fill out our email form online. We’d be more than happy to assist you in booking a service or answering any concerns that come your way. 

Please note that our firm is filled with experienced engineers that provide the highest client satisfaction and return rate around. Our cost effective solutions are great for any budget, we’ll be sure to work with you to ensure your comfort in that department. Take a look at our most popular link to check out projects in civil, structural, architectural, geotechnical, surveying, construction, and stormwater services. 

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